Friday 24 August 2018

Legal awareness: YouTube Subscriber counts Rules 2018

Legal awareness 2018YouTube tips and adviceYouTube Subscriber counts rules

 Subscriber counts

The number of users subscribed to your YouTube channel is a
metric that reflects how many people are following your channel. Subscriber
numbers displayed in the following places update in real time:
1. Your channel page
2. Account switcher
3. Video watch page
4. Third-party sites and
5. applications using the YouTube Data API:
Add YouTube features to your
application, including the ability to upload videos, create and manage
playlists, and more.

Spam subscribers

Removing spammy subscribers

Gaining subscribers through artificial means

Coordinated exchanges subscribers
Sub4sub exchange

Changes to subscriber count

Subscriber count changing or dropping
Reasons of changing or dropping of your subscriber counts:
- Viewers are subscribing and unsubscribing to your channel,
- When YouTube removes spam subscribers from your channel.

How subscribers work (FAQ)

Does YouTube automatically unsubscribe users from channels?
Do all of my videos show up in my subscribers' Subscription feeds?
Why are my subscribers telling me my videos aren’t showing up in their Subs feed?
How does YouTube count subscribers?
Do closed accounts count toward my subscriber count?
Do spam accounts count toward my subscriber count?
Why is my subscriber count changing or dropping?

Report a YouTube issue
Report an issue related to your channel subscribers

YouTube Terms of Service

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